Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

General information
Number P220456/J
Current status Appeal Determined
Decision Trees covered by TPO – Consent Refused
Appeal decision Allowed
Type Works to trees covered by TPO
Location St Marys Church Bishops Frome Worcester Herefordshire WR6 5AP
Proposal Western Red Cedars identified as G1 on TPO schedule. 5 trees located at top of retaining wall on the western boundary of St Mary the Virginchurch churchyard, Bishops Frome. Proposed works: To fell all 5 trees in the TPO group and to remove the tree stumps. The trees are numbered1 to 5 on the accompanying sketch plan. To replant along the same treeline but set back from the boundary wall a little. We would propose replacing the felled trees with smaller multi-stemmed ornamental treesthat will provide more potential for wildlife and can mark the Queen'sPlatinum Jubilee. A plaque will mark this event.
Parish Bishop's Frome
Ward Bishops Frome & Cradley
Easting/Northing 366279 - 248326
Case officer Oliver Kaye
Applicant name Mr Tony Davis
Applicant address The Wheelwright Bishops Frome Worcester Herefordshire WR6 5BA
Publicity date Wednesday 16 February 2022
Comments by Wednesday 16 March 2022
Application dates
Date received Friday 11 February 2022
Date validated Friday 11 February 2022
Consultation start date Wednesday 16 February 2022
Consultation end date Wednesday 16 March 2022
Decision date Sunday 5 June 2022
Appeal decision date Monday 15 May 2023
Target determination date Friday 8 April 2022
Name Mrs Nicola Carless
Organisation name Bishops Frome PC
Address Magstones Westmere Hanley Swan WR8 0DG
Date consulted Wednesday 16 February 2022 
Name Cllr Ellie Chowns
Organisation name Bishops Frome & Cradley
Address 11a Canon Frome Court Canon Frome Ledbury HR8 2TD
Date consulted Wednesday 16 February 2022 
Name Mrs Nicola Carless
Organisation name Bishops Frome PC
Address Magstones Westmere Hanley Swan WR8 0DG
Date consulted Wednesday 9 March 2022 

Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

Planning Application Details