Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

General information
Number P214386/FH
Current status Determination Made
Decision Approved with Conditions
Appeal decision
Type Full Householder
Location Nuttshell Bailey Lane End Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5TR
Proposal Proposed extensions and alterations.
Parish Hope Mansell
Ward Penyard
Easting/Northing 364254 - 220031
Case officer Joshua Evans
Agent name Mr David Kirk
Agent address Coppice View 100 Chase Road Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5JH
Applicant name Mr Thomas Walton
Applicant address Nuttshell Bailey Lane End Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5TR
Publicity date Friday 17 December 2021
Comments by Thursday 27 January 2022
Application dates
Date received Tuesday 30 November 2021
Date validated Thursday 9 December 2021
Consultation start date Friday 17 December 2021
Consultation end date Thursday 27 January 2022
Decision date Wednesday 16 February 2022
Target determination date Thursday 17 February 2022
Name Natural England
Organisation name Operations Delivery
Address Consultations Team (Natural England) County Hall Spetchley Road Worcester WR5 2NP
Date consulted Friday 17 December 2021 
Name Ecology
Organisation name
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 17 December 2021 
Name Ms Jill Addis
Organisation name Public Rights of Way Development Officer
Address Balfour Beatty Unit 3 Thorn Business Park Rotherwas Industrial Estate HR2 6JT
Date consulted Friday 17 December 2021 
Name Forestry Commission (East Herefordshire & Worcestershire)
Organisation name
Address West Midlands Region Whitcliffe Ludlow Shropshire SY8 2HD
Date consulted Friday 17 December 2021 
Name Ms Susan Mountcastle
Organisation name Weston-under-Penyard PC
Address Kingstone House Weston Under Penyard Ross-On-Wye HR9 7PQ
Date consulted Friday 17 December 2021 
Name Ms Liz New
Organisation name Hope Mansell PC
Address Lawyers Bath Cottage Hope Mansell Ross-On-Wye HR9 5TS
Date consulted Friday 17 December 2021 
Name Cllr William Wilding
Organisation name Penyard
Address Hooks Cottage Lea Bailey Ross-On-Wye HR9 5TY
Date consulted Friday 17 December 2021 

Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

Relevant documents

Application Form (1)

Drawings (2)

Representations (2)

Planning Application Details