Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

General information
Number P202043/O
Current status Determination Made
Decision Approved with Conditions
Appeal decision
Type Outline
Location Field known as Beck's Orchard The Common Wellington Heath Ledbury Herefordshire HR8 1NA
Proposal Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development of 5 No. dwellings, 3 x 3 bed and 2 x 2 bed. Access will be off The Common. (DOC 22 see 241188)
Parish Wellington Heath
Ward Ledbury North
Easting/Northing 371297 - 240653
Case officer Josh Bailey
Applicant name Mr Andrew Sumner
Applicant address Cilan Ucha Ty Terfyn Road Llanfair Dyffryn Clwyd Ruthin LL15 2SN
Publicity date Friday 24 July 2020
Comments by Wednesday 19 August 2020
Application dates
Date received Monday 29 June 2020
Date validated Monday 20 July 2020
Consultation start date Friday 24 July 2020
Consultation end date Wednesday 19 August 2020
Decision date Friday 20 November 2020
Target determination date Monday 14 September 2020
Name Cllr Liz Harvey
Organisation name Ledbury North
Address 1 Glen Helen Elmsdale Road Ledbury Herefordshire HR8 2EG
Date consulted Friday 24 July 2020 
Name Mrs Mary Barnett
Organisation name Wellington Heath PC
Address 2 New Cottages Clenchers Mill Lane Eastnor Ledbury HR8 1RW
Date consulted Friday 24 July 2020 
Name Ms Jill Tookey-Williams
Organisation name Transport and Access Services
Address Herefordshire Council H37 Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 24 July 2020 
Name Ms Camilla Winder
Organisation name Built and Natural Environment
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 24 July 2020 
Name Welsh Water
Organisation name Dwr Cymru Welsh Water - Developer Services
Address P.O. Box 3146 Linea Fortran Road Cardiff CF30 0EH
Date consulted Friday 24 July 2020 
Name Severn Trent
Organisation name Severn Trent Water
Address Operations Management Asset Protection Team Regis Road Tettenhall WV6 8RU
Date consulted Friday 24 July 2020 
Name Mr P Esrich
Organisation name AONB Officer - Malvern Hills
Address AONB Office Manor House Grange Rd, Malvern Worcestershire WR13 3EY
Date consulted Friday 24 July 2020 
Name Ms Jill Addis
Organisation name Public Rights of Way Development Officer
Address Balfour Beatty Unit 3 Thorn Business Park Rotherwas Industrial Estate HR2 6JT
Date consulted Friday 24 July 2020 
Name Mrs Mandy Neill
Organisation name Built and Natural Environment
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Tuesday 28 July 2020 
Name Ms Andrea Brislane
Organisation name Built and Natural Environment
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Tuesday 28 July 2020 
Name Mr Oliver Kaye
Organisation name Built and Natural Environment
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Tuesday 28 July 2020 
Name Miss Rebecca Evison
Organisation name Waste Management
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Tuesday 28 July 2020 

Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

Planning Application Details