Fell Laurel, bramble & holly to 4 ft hedge line to establish hedge
line (shown as G1 on sketch map). Fell Large twin stem Silver Birch which is heavily weighted on weak branch union (shown as T1 on sketch map). Customer advised to replant a replacement. Crown lift Beech treeon right of garage door to 15 - 18ft to gain more light and clear fromhouse/garage (shown as T2 on sketch map). FOR INFO ONLY: we will ring Ivy on 6 large Pines on drive/boundary hedge which are subject to TPO 027182, but as no tree work required we are not applying for permission for this. Just providing for info.
Ross-on-Wye Town
Ross West
359429 - 223813
Case officer
Oliver Kaye
Agent name
Mr Matthew Long
Agent address
Chapel Tree Services 9 Willow Close Coughton Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5WG
Applicant name
Mrs Ali Ballantyne
Applicant address
Red Hill House Redhill Road Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5AU
Publicity date
Friday 17 January 2020
Comments by
Friday 7 February 2020
Application dates
Date received
Thursday 16 January 2020
Date validated
Thursday 16 January 2020
Consultation start date
Friday 17 January 2020
Consultation end date
Friday 7 February 2020
Decision date
Friday 7 February 2020
Target determination date
Thursday 27 February 2020
Ms Amanda Smith
Organisation name
Ross-on-Wye Town Council
7 The Corn Exchange High Street Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5HL