Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

General information
Number P170036/F
Current status Appeal Determined
Decision Refused
Appeal decision Dismissed
Type Planning Permission
Location The Rectory Field as known as Land at The Green Kings Caple Herefordshire
Proposal Erection of two pairs of semi detached houses together with a single dwelling, scale layout, access, parking and manoeuvring. Landscaping and Materials (Full Application)
Parish Kings Caple
Ward Old Gore
Easting/Northing 355721 - 228686
Case officer Carl Brace
Agent name Mr John Kendrick
Agent address Procuro Planning Services Ltd Procuro St Owens Cross Hereford Herefordshire HR2 8LG
Applicant name Mr Elwyn Brooke
Applicant address Lower Penalt Farm Kings Caple Hereford Herefordshire HR1 4UQ
Publicity date Tuesday 7 February 2017
Comments by Monday 13 March 2017
Application dates
Date received Monday 9 January 2017
Date validated Thursday 2 February 2017
Consultation start date Tuesday 7 February 2017
Consultation end date Monday 13 March 2017
Decision date Monday 15 May 2017
Appeal date Tuesday 27 June 2017
Appeal decision date Monday 2 October 2017
Target determination date Friday 12 May 2017
Name Ms V Morgan
Organisation name CPRE Herefordshire
Date consulted Monday 13 March 2017 
Name Ms V Morgan
Organisation name CPRE Herefordshire
Date consulted Friday 30 June 2017 
Name Cllr Barry A Durkin
Organisation name Old Gore (Conservative)
Address c/o Democratic Services, Shirehall St Peters Square Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2HX
Date consulted Friday 30 June 2017 
Name Ms Liz Parry-Jones
Organisation name Kings Caple PC
Address Rugden House How Caple Hereford HR1 4TF
Date consulted Friday 30 June 2017 
Name Welsh Water
Organisation name Dwr Cymru Welsh Water - Developer Services
Address P.O. Box 3146 Linea Fortran Road Cardiff CF30 0EH
Date consulted Friday 30 June 2017 
Name Mr James Bisset
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Blueschool House Blueschool Street P.O. Box 230 HR1 2ZB
Date consulted Friday 30 June 2017 
Name Ms Elizabeth Duberley
Organisation name Built and Natural Environment
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 30 June 2017 
Name Ms Jill Tookey-Williams
Organisation name Transport and Access Services
Address Herefordshire Council H37 Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Friday 30 June 2017 
Name Mr James Bisset
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Blueschool House Blueschool Street P.O. Box 230 HR1 2ZB
Date consulted Thursday 16 February 2017 
Name Ms Elizabeth Duberley
Organisation name Built and Natural Environment
Address Herefordshire Council Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Monday 27 February 2017 
Name Ms Jill Tookey-Williams
Organisation name Transport and Access Services
Address Herefordshire Council H37 Plough Lane Hereford HR4 0LE
Date consulted Wednesday 15 March 2017 
Name Welsh Water
Organisation name Dwr Cymru Welsh Water - Developer Services
Address P.O. Box 3146 Linea Fortran Road Cardiff CF30 0EH
Date consulted Tuesday 7 February 2017 
Name Cllr Barry A Durkin
Organisation name Old Gore (Conservative)
Address c/o Democratic Services, Shirehall St Peters Square Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2HX
Date consulted Tuesday 7 February 2017 
Name Ms Liz Parry-Jones
Organisation name Kings Caple PC
Address Rugden House How Caple Hereford HR1 4TF
Date consulted Tuesday 7 February 2017 

Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

Relevant documents

Application Form (1)

Decisions (3)

Appeal (61)

Supporting Documents (4)

Drawings (5)

Correspondence (3)

Representations (45)

Officer Report (1)

Planning Application Details