Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

General information
Number P150817/F
Current status Determination Made
Decision Approved with Conditions
Appeal decision
Type Planning Permission
Location Yeld Farm Yeld Lane Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3LY
Proposal Proposed installation of a 450kWp photovoltaic ground mounted solar array.
Parish Pembridge
Ward Pembridge and Lyonshall with Titley - prior 2015
Easting/Northing 335146 - 256293
Case officer Rebecca Jenman
Agent name Mr Shawn Jones
Agent address Ecotec Services Orchard Street Worcester Worcestershire WR5 3DW
Applicant name Mr Simon Eckley
Applicant address Yeld Farm Lyonshall Kington Herefordshire HR5 3LY
Publicity date Monday 30 March 2015
Comments by Thursday 30 April 2015
Application dates
Date received Friday 20 March 2015
Date validated Thursday 26 March 2015
Consultation start date Monday 30 March 2015
Consultation end date Thursday 30 April 2015
Decision date Monday 24 August 2015
Target determination date Thursday 25 June 2015
Name Mr David Whitehead
Organisation name Hereford and Worcester Gardens Trust
Address 60 Hafod Road Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1SQ
Date consulted Monday 30 March 2015 
Name Mr Wride
Organisation name The Ramblers Association
Address 98 Gorsty Lane Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1UN
Date consulted Monday 30 March 2015 
Name Ms Jill Addis
Organisation name Public Rights of Way Development Officer
Address Balfour Beatty Unit 3 Thorn Business Park Rotherwas Industrial Estate HR2 6JT
Date consulted Monday 30 March 2015 
Name Mr Peter Newman
Organisation name Open Spaces Society (North)
Address Castle Hill House Kington Herefordshire HR5 3AG
Date consulted Monday 30 March 2015 
Name Mrs Rebecca Bissell
Organisation name Pembridge PC
Address Fir Bank Lyonshall Kington HR5 3LN
Date consulted Monday 30 March 2015 
Name Cllr RJ Phillips
Organisation name Pembridge & Lyonshall with Titley
Address Bromage Farm Broxwood Leominster HR6 9JL
Date consulted Monday 30 March 2015 
Name Dr R Widdicombe
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Blueschool House Blueschool Street Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2ZB
Date consulted Monday 30 March 2015 
Name Ms Elizabeth Duberley
Organisation name Herefordshire Council (Landscape Officer)
Address Blueschool House Blueschool Street Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2LX
Date consulted Monday 30 March 2015 
Name Mr Dave Davies
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Transportation H37 Plough Lane H37
Date consulted Monday 30 March 2015 
Organisation name Casework Assistant
Address Historic England The Axis 10 Holliday Street Birmingham B1 1TG
Date consulted Monday 18 May 2015 

Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

Planning Application Details