We are not accepting comments for this planning application.

General information
Number P150235/AM
Current status Determination Made
Decision Refused
Appeal decision
Type Non Material Amendment
Location Putley Court Lodge Putley Herefordshire
Proposal Proposed non-material amendment to planning permission DCNE2009/0812/F (proposed two storey extension and fully glazed extension to dining room) - alteration of the extension to the dining room from fully glazed to an imitation slate roof. Construct achimney and porch.
Parish Putley
Ward Three Crosses
Easting/Northing 364337 - 237412
Case officer Fernando Barber-Martinez
Agent name Mr David Gregory
Agent address David Gregory Design Forge Cottage 3 Ross Road Newent Gloucestershire GL18 1BD
Applicant name Mr & Mrs Spalding
Applicant address Putley Court Lodge Putley Ledbury Herefordshire HR8 2QP
Publicity date Thursday 16 April 2015
Application dates
Date received Monday 26 January 2015
Date validated Friday 10 April 2015
Consultation start date Thursday 16 April 2015
Decision date Tuesday 28 April 2015
Target determination date Thursday 7 May 2015
Name Cllr P M Morgan
Organisation name Frome
Address Leadon Court Fromes Hill Ledbury HR8 1HT
Date consulted Thursday 16 April 2015 

We are not accepting comments for this planning application.

Relevant documents

Application Form (1)

Decisions (1)

Drawings (3)

Officer Report (1)

Planning Application Details