Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

General information
Number S122655/F
Current status Determination Made
Decision Approved with Conditions
Appeal decision
Type Planning Permission
Location Kilnby Cottage Howle Hill Walford Ross on Wye Herefordshire HR9 5SH
Proposal Demolish existing cottage and replace with a new dwelling including detached garage and store. Alterations to vehicular and pedestrian access.
Parish Walford
Ward Kerne Bridge
Easting/Northing 360287 - 220384
Case officer Andrew Prior
Agent name Mr Charles James
Agent address M R James MCIAT Clyde House Church Walk Viney Hill Lydney Gloucestershire GL15 4NY
Applicant name Mr D Gardiner
Applicant address Hornbeam Weston Under Penyard Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 7PA
Publicity date Wednesday 24 October 2012
Comments by Monday 3 December 2012
Application dates
Date received Monday 24 September 2012
Date validated Monday 15 October 2012
Consultation start date Wednesday 24 October 2012
Consultation end date Monday 3 December 2012
Decision date Tuesday 11 December 2012
Target determination date Monday 10 December 2012
Organisation name PROW
Address Amey H1
Date consulted Tuesday 30 October 2012 
Name Miss Catherine Murray
Organisation name Walford PC (Kerne Bridge)
Address Rose Cottage Coughton Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5SF
Date consulted Thursday 15 November 2012 
Name Mrs D Klein
Organisation name Herefordshire Council (Minerals and Waste Officer)
Address 1 Blueschool House Blueschool Street Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2LX
Date consulted Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Name Ms Helen Stace
Organisation name Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
Address Lower House Farm Hereford Herefordshire HR1 1UT
Date consulted Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Name EH Commercial
Organisation name Environmental Health
Address Council Offices Blueschool House Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2ZB
Date consulted Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Organisation name PROW
Address Amey H1
Date consulted Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Name Mrs Yvonne Coleman
Organisation name Herefordshire Council (Planning Obligations)
Address Planning Obligations Manager Blueschool House H31
Date consulted Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Name Ms Brigit Symons
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Ecology Plough Lane - H26
Date consulted Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Name Mr Bruce Evans
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Transportation Unit South Plough Lane H37
Date consulted Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Name Miss Catherine Murray
Organisation name Walford PC (Kerne Bridge)
Address Rose Cottage Coughton Ross-On-Wye Herefordshire HR9 5SF
Date consulted Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Name Cllr John G Jarvis
Organisation name Kerne Bridge
Address Portland House Whitchurch Ross-On-Wye HR9 6DB
Date consulted Wednesday 24 October 2012 
Name EH Commercial
Organisation name Environmental Health
Address Council Offices Blueschool House Hereford Herefordshire HR1 2ZB
Date consulted Monday 5 November 2012 
Name Ms Brigit Symons
Organisation name Herefordshire Council
Address Ecology Plough Lane - H26
Date consulted Friday 23 November 2012 

Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

Planning Application Details