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General information
Number DCN010954/F
Historic Reference Number NE2001/0825/F
Current status Decision Made
Decision Withdrawn
Appeal decision
Type Planning Permission
Location Land Adjacent To The Village H Tarrington Hereford, Herefordshire HR1 4EU
Proposal Conversion of barn to dwelling
Parish Tarrington
Ward Z_Frome 1998-2003
Easting/Northing 361765 - 240560.5
Case officer Kevin Bishop
Agent name Mr King
Agent address Oldfield King Lone Barn Studios Stanbridge Lane Romsey Hampshire SO51 0HE
Applicant name Bloor Homes (Tewkesbury) Ltd
Applicant address C/O Agent
Publicity date Tuesday 10 April 2001
Application dates
Date received Friday 30 March 2001
Date validated Friday 30 March 2001
Consultation start date Tuesday 10 April 2001
Decision date Monday 16 July 2001
Target determination date Friday 25 May 2001

We are not accepting comments for this planning application.

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Planning Application Details