Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

General information
Number DS001239/F
Historic Reference Number SE2000/0902/F
Current status Determination Made
Decision Approved with Conditions
Appeal decision
Type Planning Permission
Location Jr's Diner Ross Livestock Centre Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7QB
Proposal Positioning mobile catering unit, diner car, and showers for lorry drivers.
Parish Ross Rural - prior 2015
Ward Z_Ross on Wye East 1998-2003
Easting/Northing 360555.5 - 225648.5
Case officer Steven Holder
Applicant name Mr Stokes
Applicant address 40 Colwell Avenue, Hucclecote Gloucester GL3 3LX
Publicity date Thursday 13 April 2000
Comments by Wednesday 27 December 2000
Application dates
Date received Wednesday 12 April 2000
Date validated Wednesday 12 April 2000
Consultation start date Thursday 13 April 2000
Consultation end date Wednesday 27 December 2000
Decision date Thursday 21 December 2000
Target determination date Wednesday 7 June 2000

Commenting on this planning application through this website is now closed. Representations may however be submitted directly to if the application has not yet been determined. Find contact details of your case officer.

Relevant documents

There are no documents associated with this planning application.

Planning Application Details