Communications strategy

Good communication and engagement can create a positive experience for those who interact with the council. It helps residents, employees, partners, and the media understand Herefordshire Council’s objectives, values, services, challenges and achievements. This strategy explains our key messages, our communications objectives and how we will deliver them.

Communication is a shared responsibility and everyone has a part to play in supporting and delivering good communications for the organisation. The Communication Protocols and Principles articulating the way we deliver communications across Herefordshire Council:  
All of this underpins our PEOPLE values.

Our values guide the way we act, what we say and how we think and aid us in making decisions: 

  • People: Treating people fairly, with compassion, respect and dignity
  • Excellence: Striving for excellent services, care and quality of life in Herefordshire
  • Openness: Being open, transparent and accountable 
  • Partnership: Working in partnership and with all our diverse communities
  • Listening: Actively listening to, understanding and taking into account people's views and needs 
  • Environment: Protecting and promoting our outstanding natural environment and heritage for the benefit of all.

 We will only achieve our potential by every individual being involved in using the values and being guided by the principles to make improvements in how they work and how we work together. 

Last updated date
Review date
March 2025