Material / item
Flower pots
plastic flower pots, plastic plant trays
How to recycle / dispose
Household Recycling Centre, some garden centres will receive them for recycling, local arts and craft group may re-use them.
Green bin
Brown and green plastic plant pots
Clear recycling bag
Brown and green plastic plant pots
Black bin or black sack
Black plastic plant pots
More information

Please do not put plastic or clay pots into kerbside garden collections or green waste at the Household Waste Recycling Centres as this contaminates the load

Black plastic plants pots must go in the rubbish not recycled container; clay pots go in rubble.

Broken clay pots can be used to improve drainage at bottom of a new planter.

Where else to recycle

Check your nearest alternative locations to recycle this item on RecycleNow.