Placement sufficiency strategy for children and young people: aligning to strategic planning across SEND, early help, social care and commissioning

The purpose of this document is to set out what Herefordshire Council will do to ensure that there is sufficient accommodation of different types for our looked after children and young people (CLA) and care leavers (CL).

The strategy is part of a whole-system approach that includes early intervention and preventive services to support children within their family setting, as well as better support services for children who become looked after.

This strategy builds upon known data collated through the needs analysis and review of national reporting.

This strategy aligns to the agreed plans pertaining to short breaks, SEND, mental health, transition post 16 including care leavers, permanency, reunification and early help. Links into the forward plan for commissioning and procurement will ensure safe arrangements for delivery of aligned services.

Last updated date
September 2023
Review date
September 2028
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