Taxi and private hire vehicle licence
General information

There is no reception open to the general public in respect of taxi licensing at Plough Lane and staff have no access or ability to photocopy applications or documents.

Therefore, please email copies of all paperwork to

We will accept photographs of the paperwork taken on smart phones provided the photographs are clear.

In the 'Subject' line of the email, please write your name, your licence number (Driver badge
number/Hackney or Private Hire Vehicle Licence number) and the type of the document/s you are submitting (for example insurance, MOT, renewal application form).

Payments should be made by card for applications by calling our office on 01432 261761.


You will need a licence to operate a hackney carriage (taxi) or a private hire vehicle (minicab).

Anyone is eligible to apply for a hackney carriage or private hire licence, however, you need to obtain a dual driver badge if you wish to drive the vehicle yourself. If you do not hold a dual driver badge you can allow other people to drive the vehicle provided they are a badge holder.

Taxi (hackney carriage) licence

To obtain a hackney carriage licence, the vehicle must be wheelchair accessible and be less than five years old (the age is taken off the registration document). Before you purchase a vehicle you must read the vehicle licence conditions relating to hackney carriages.

Please note: CCTV in all hackney carriages is mandatory.

Hackney carriage fares increased from February 2024, see the taxi tariff sheet for details.

Private hire vehicle (minicab) licence

To obtain a private hire licence the vehicle must be under two years old and can be a saloon or wheelchair accessible vehicle. Before you purchase a vehicle you must read the vehicle licence conditions relating to private hire vehicles.

In addition to a private hire vehicle licence you will also need to apply for an operator licence, which will allow you to receive bookings. Alternatively you can join an existing operator, but they will need to sign your application to confirm they will act as the operator for your vehicle.


About this licence
Licence Detail Fee 2024/25
Hackney carriage private hire vehicle New/renewal/transfer plate (inc vehicle compliance test) £399
Private hire operator 3 year licence 1 vehicle £152
  2-5 vehicles £239
  Over 5 vehicles - includes 1 office inspection £497
Private hire operator 5 year licence 1 vehicle £237
  2-5 vehicles £409
  Over 5 vehicles - includes 2 office inspections £682
Dual driver badge new/renewal New (excluding DVLA check, medical referral fee if due and knowledge test for new applicants)  
  1 year £295
  2 years annual check x1 £392
  3 years annual check x 2 £586
  Annual self-declaration fee (payable only on licence issued before 12 April 2024 £104
  DBS - separate fee payable to Hoople Ltd  
Change of proprietor of vehicle   £136
Change of vehicle on plate  (> 1 month – full fee)  (inc vehicle compliance test) £399
Change of vehicle on plate (3 months or less) Including vehicle compliance test £325
Change of vehicle on plate (6 months > 3 months) Including vehicle compliance test £239
Change of vehicle on plate (12 months > 6 months)  Including vehicle compliance test £140
Application for a certificate of readiness Including vehicle compliance test £267
Replacement of driver badge   £19
Replacement of vehicle plate Without brackets £12
Replacement of vehicle plate With brackets £20
Replacement licence following change of address   £19
DVLA check   Free online by driver
Knowledge test   £26
Vehicle test council station   £48
Doctor's examination Cost payable by applicant to own GP  
Occupational health doctor's paper medical referral   £51

You can pay online using our secure payments service. Select Licensing from the list and then the type of licence you wish to pay for.

Application and guidance notes

Apply online for a taxi vehicle licence or

Word document application for a vehicle licence grant/renewal (inside standard conditions)

Please ensure that you read the above documents thoroughly and answer all questions on the application form. Any missing information will delay the processing of the application. When you have completed all the forms you will need to take them to Hereford Customer Service Centre. Your paperwork will then be passed to the taxi licensing section.

All vehicles will be subject to the following checks before the licence is issued:

  • A compliance test
  • Registration document
  • Appropriate insurance

To qualify for a licence you must be able to provide:

  • Certificate of insurance/cover note - must include 'Public/Hire and Reward or 'Private Hire' as appropriate
  • Certificate of compliance and tick sheet
  • Vehicle registration document - or bill of sale, if the document is being transferred into your name at the DVLA

How to licence a spare vehicle

We operate a scheme where a second vehicle can be licensed in readiness for a breakdown or if your current licensed vehicle is taken off the road. This only applies to hackney carriages. It is called a certificate of readiness.

Processing and timescales

The application is usually processed in five working days, but this is dependent on the correct documentation being submitted.

If a licence is granted it is subject to conditions. If you breach any of these conditions we could issue penalty points, suspend or revoke your licence. 

Validity and renewals

The vehicle licence lasts for one year.

Renewal application forms will be sent to you at your last recorded address. If you change address during the term of your licence please let us know.

We will only send one renewal application pack. The responsibility to renew the licence before expiry is with the applicant. We will not issue a licence until all the necessary checks have been returned and are deemed to be satisfactory.

You can submit the renewal application up to one month in advance but we should receive it no later that five working days from the expiry of the licence.

Applications received after the expiry of an existing licence will be treated as a grant of licence.

Changes in circumstances

You must disclose any change in your circumstances to the licensing officer at the licensing section immediately.

It may affect your application. Failure to disclose a change in circumstances may result in the issue of points under the penalty points system.

How to change the vehicle on your plate

There are two circumstances where a change of vehicle can take place:

  1. Change due to age, damage or vehicle choice
  2. Temporary change following a road crash or if a vehicle needed a repair (maximum period of licence 3 months)

Please contact us to discuss your proposed change.

An application form and the fee must be received before we will process the application. An authority to test the vehicle 'letter' must be obtained prior to booking the vehicle compliance test.

Any new or temporary vehicle must comply with vehicle conditions. If you have any doubt please contact taxi licensing.

How to change proprietor on vehicle licence

If you buy an existing plate and/or licensed vehicle, you must make an application to transfer the licence into your name.

This must be done within five working days of acquiring the vehicle plate.

When submitting the application you must also include a bill of sale/transfer and a current certificate of insurance for the vehicle which shows it can be used for public or private hire and reward.

Contact us to view the public register.
Contact us in the first instance.
Contact details
  • Telephone: 01432 261761 (All calls are dealt with by our contact centre staff and are allocated to an officer who will take action on the service request between one to ten working days)
  • Email:
  • Address: Licensing Section, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE - for correspondence only
    There is no reception open to the general public in respect of taxi licensing at Plough Lane and staff have no access or ability to photocopy applications or documents.
    You should send applications or documents by email to

Emails to the department are allocated to the appropriate staff member who will take action between one to ten working days.
If you have not had a response before the 10 working days have expired please do not contact us again, as it may further delay a response. Please also ensure you have quoted your licence or taxi licence reference number or given your address in your call/email.
Please note: sending repeat or chaser emails will not prompt a quicker response and may result in a back log of emails and a possible further delay.