Sports stand safety certificate

If you operate a sports ground  which is not designated as requiring a safety certificate, you will still require a safety certificate for any covered stand that holds 500 or more spectators.

A safety certificate may be either:

  • A general safety certificate which covers the use of the stand for viewing an activity, or a number of activities, specified in the certificate for an indefinite period which starts on a specified date
  • A special safety certificate which covers the use of the stand for viewing a certain specified activity or activities on a certain specified occasion or occasions

A separate application must be submitted for each regulated stand. However, one certificate may cover more than one stand.

If you are served with a notice determining that a sports stand is a regulated stand you can appeal to the local Magistrates' court.


For information about the cost of a sports stand certificate contact us.

Processing and timescales

It can take up to 20 days to process an application for a regulated stand safety certificate.

Contact us to view the public register.
Contact us in the first instance.
Contact details
  • Contact centre opening hours are Monday to Friday - 9am to 4.15pm
  • Telephone: 01432 261761 (all calls are dealt with by our contact centre staff and will be allocated to an officer who will take action on the service request between one to five working days)
  • Online: Contact us form
  • Address: Environmental Health Commercial Team, Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford HR4 0LE