Council Plan and priorities

The Herefordshire Council Plan 2024-28 sets out how the council will make its contribution to the ongoing success of Herefordshire.

With the overarching vision, 'Delivering the best for Herefordshire in everything we do', the plan outlines the council's priorities in four areas:

  • People - We will enable residents to realise their potential, to be healthy and benefit from communities that help people to feel safe and supported
  • Place - We will protect and enhance our environment and ensure that Herefordshire remains a great place to live. We will support the right housing in the right place and do everything we can to improve the health of our rivers
  • Growth - We will create the conditions to deliver sustainable growth across the county; attracting inward investment, building business confidence, creating jobs, enabling housing development along with providing the right infrastructure
  • Transformation - We will be an efficient council that embraces best practice, delivers innovation through technology and demonstrates value for money

There is also an underpinning theme of partnership working, which is central to the council's success and to delivering the best for residents.

Herefordshire Council is responsible for a vast range of services. It is also often a legal requirement to produce documents that outline the role and operation of these services. The plan, with its policies and procedures, provides this framework.

Read our Herefordshire Council Plan 2024-28 (pdf version)

Delivery Plan

The Delivery Plan 2024-25 was approved at June's cabinet meeting and outlines how the council's priorities and objectives will be achieved and what will be delivered in the next 12 months. The Delivery Plan will be reviewed annually and progress will be reported on a regular basis.

Read our Delivery Plan 2024-25

Like all other local authorities in the country, a reduction in funding from central government has meant that Herefordshire Council is having to make difficult decisions to enable it to deliver important services to residents while making savings.

Our medium term financial strategy demonstrates how the council will maintain financial stability, work efficiently and support investment in priority services while demonstrating value for money and maintaining service quality.

You can find all the current council strategies, policies and procedures in our council strategies and policies directory.