Where we spend the money

Our gross budget for 2024/25 is £400 million and our spending plans need to maintain financial stability, deliver efficiencies and support investment in priority services. Our plans must demonstrate value for money and maintain service quality even though the funding available is reducing. We have a medium term financial strategy where £19.5 million of savings and efficiencies have been identified for 2024/25 to deliver a balanced budget.

Council approved the substantial savings proposals at its meeting on 9 February 2024.

Adults and communities

Services within this directorate support adults within the county to enable them to live healthy, happy and independent lives within their local communities. This area includes residential and nursing care, health and wellbeing services and safeguarding of vulnerable adults. It also ensures that communities in Herefordshire are sustainable and provide attractive and well managed places to live and work.

Children and families

The children and families directorate is responsible for services relating to safeguarding, family support and education. Services include safeguarding of children, early help, adoption and fostering, additional educational needs and school admissions.

Economy and place

Services within this area include libraries and museums, electoral services, waste management, energy and environmental management, customer services, strategic and neighbourhood planning, economic development, environmental health and trading standards and highways.

Corporate services

This area supports the overall council performance including electoral services, communications, legal support and financial control.